Ellen Parish
“I work with Diablo Trust because I have a passion for ranching, wildlife, and open space.”

Bill Towler
“I work with Diablo Trust to preserve unfragmented landscapes in Coconino County. To achieve that, ranches need to be economically viable to avoid future sale and subdivision.”
Kit Metzger
Board Member
“I serve on the board of Diablo Trust because the collaborative process is the most secure way to protect ranches. The more people get to know and understand what it means to live with the land, the stronger the possibility that folks can make a living off the land.”
Bob Prosser
Board Member
“I work with Diablo Trust because it is the only process I’ve been involved in that honestly brings people together, and allows others to really understand ranching.”

Diana Kessler
Board Member
“My dream is a contiguous and bio-diverse landscape, to educate and exemplify a healthy and stable eco-region.”

Chuck Phillips
Board Member
“I have lived and worked on both ranches. Those experiences created a strong desire to preserve the landscape and the lifestyle.”
Stephen Williams
Board Member
“Collaboration has always intrigued me as a means of alleviating natural resource conflicts. Diablo Trust gives me the opportunity to be involved in that process.”

Heather Green
Board Member
“I serve on the board because I value unfragmented landscapes, wildlife and collaborative approaches to challenges and opportunities.”

Carl Taylor
Board Member
“I work with Diablo Trust because I am committed to the idea of sustainable use of our vast western landscapes. I love the collaborative model of engaging ranchers, government land managers, academics and interested citizens in this vital endeavor.”

Norm Lowe
Board Member Emeritis
“I participate in Diablo Trust to contribute to a diverse community of professionals who work with land resources and collaborate to apply solutions to serious problems challenging the sustainability of land resource values.”

Jeremy Krones
Interim Program Manager, Board Member
“Diablo Trust works to achieve what Aldo Leopold called the ‘slow and laborious unfolding of a new relationship between people and land.’ I work with Diablo Trust to help unfold that relationship and to find common ground between people, and between people and land.”