Diablo Trust & Friends of Northern Arizona Forests
Bar T Bar Exclosure Fence Removal
Mogollon Rim Ranger District, Coconino National Forest
August 17, 2018
Project Location:
We will be working first in Hay Meadow and if time allows near Jones Crossing on East Clear Creek. Both areas are just off of Hwy 87 on the Mogollon Rim Ranger District of the Coconino National Forest.
Project Begins:
Friday, August 17th, please arrive at Hay Meadow by 8:30 AM. This is a one day project for all attendees.
Project Activity:
We will be removing one old elk exclosure and some electric wire in Hay Meadow on the Bar-T-Bar Allotment and, if time allows, one elk exclosure in the Hackberry-Pivot-Rock Allotment.
This fence removal project will improve the ability of big game species and other wildlife to move more freely and safely across the landscape.
What to Bring:
Work gloves, pliers if you have a pair, water, lunch to eat in the field, and personal gear.
Diablo Trust:
Jeremy Krones
Roger Joos
Directions to Hay Meadow:
From Flagstaff take Lake Mary Rd. south to state Highway 87 (Clint’s Well). Take a left (east) on 87 and go approximately 8.2 miles to FR 9852 (just past the Moqui Campground turnoff). Take a left (north) on FR 9852 for about .3 miles to Hay Meadow Draw.