Please join us for Diablo Trust’s Annual Meeting, Friday February 21st from 8:30 am to 11:30 am at Thornager’s in Flagstaff with presentations by:
Matt Reeves - PhD, CC-P Research Ecologist, USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station, Human Dimensions Program - Missoula, MT
Iric Burden - Range Program Manager, USFS Kaibab National Forest - Williams, AZ
Molly McCormick - Restoration Coordinator and Ecologist, USGS Restoration Assessment and Monitoring Program - Flagstaff, AZ
Matt Reeves and Iric Burden will discuss the Rangeland Production Monitoring Service (RPMS) which enables rangeland managers and producers to make estimates of annual rangeland production. The RPMS allows users to quantify trends in vegetation production through time, evaluate inter-annual variability, and quantify recovery from drought and wildfire. This service aids efforts aimed at increasing resiliency and creating better grazing management strategies, which can improve economic and ecological resiliency alike. For more detailed information about RPMS please visit:
Molly McCormick will share results from her ongoing research as part of the Restoration Assessment and Monitoring Program for the Southwest (RAMPS). Molly is working collaboratively with land managers to systematically test restoration treatments at trial sites located across a broad range of landscape, soil, and climate conditions. At each site, they test suitable seed mixes and treatments that promote plant establishment and growth. Molly and her colleagues are analyzing the implications this research has for ranchers in the area looking to increase forage on their lands by seeding. For more information on RAMPS, please visit: